Monday, March 24, 2014

When it Rains, It Pours...But the Sun Does Come Out Eventually

     Since arriving in California 3 weeks ago, we have had car trouble.  The transmission line was hit by a rock while driving through a canyon and we almost blew the transmission.  FYI rental cars in Palm Springs...VERY expensive!  We got our car fixed (or so we thought) but it kept giving us trouble, so my husband brought it to the Ford dealership to get it serviced...again. 
    Long story short, and over $1,300 later, our car died on us yesterday.  Luckily, I had told my husband to head home instead of continuing to the dealership where he was going to drop it off to get it fixed, because no sooner had we pulled into our driveway, our car died.  My husband had to drive 3 hours to get back to the school he is attending for work, and we were suddenly without a car.
     So, we called our landlady, who happens to be THE coolest landlady in the world (I swear), and she brought us to the nearest dealership where we  purchased a new car which is exactly what we had been talking about getting!  We were there until 8:30 last night and my husband still had to drive 3 hours to get to Camp Pendleton, but at least this trip I felt a lot more confident that he would make it there safely and wouldn't end up stranded on the side of the highway waiting for a tow truck any time soon (fingers crossed).  YAY!  This also means that we are back to a 2 car family, (and one is a lot more reliable) so when I have to make my 1 1/2 hour drive (one way) to my Rheumatologist next month, my husband hopefully wont have to take time off from work to bring me to my appointment.  Double YAY! 

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